Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Lady Gaga!

A couple of weeks ago we went to our first concert in Singapore and it wasn't just any artist. It was Miss Gaga, oh la la! The whole thing was a surprise from my dear husband, who had planned everything months in advance. I was really happy he'd bought concert tickets, since I still thought I hated concerts, after all my hideous experiences of standing up for hours, being pushed around by over enthusiastic fans. But with SEATS, concerts are completely different ;)

It all started with Jonas being very secretive, sending and checking messages left and right

Then, after probably the best burger we've had in Asia so far on Anson Road, we were all of a sudden in a taxi on our way to Singapore Outdoor Stadium. Close to the stadium, he showed me the above!

 My proud husband (in a very new shirt I helped pick out I might add), almost in the front of the line for our seats on one of the balconies

Since I knew something was up, I had 'accidentally' stumbled into a dress sale at Monsoon a few days earlier; this seemed like a golden opportunity to wear one of the new purchases. It's actually a bit tricky though to plan what to wear here, since if you are indoors, you do need to take care that you don't get a cold from the AC. Therefore, a dress like the above comes with both tights, a sweater and a scarf with no exceptions  

Husband J highly proud by the eminent places he'd scored; I was so thankful we didn't have standing seats!

 Posing in the VIP lounge with the lady herself in the background

 Parts of the crowd. Please notice the cupcake-white-frosting-dressed participant almost in the middle of the pic. We did. Especially when she started tap dancing

 The arena kept on filling up until it was completely bursting and then the show started with a flamingo-throw-up-like-light-show..

 ..moving on to a jail-bird-theme..

..until everyone was completely sold, rocking out in artificial mist and my favorite green color!

I was not shocked by the actual performance, since I knew it'd be something quite outrageous and who hasn't seen quite a few of Madonna's very interesting videos? But this is different. At one point for instance, the lady, who had obviously borrowed Cher's outfit from 'If I could turn back time' (minus the leather jacket), was rubbing herself against an MC. In Singapore. There was also a lot of propaganda for uprising as well and the opening act was the star herself giving birth to her entourage, standing on top of a big dummy, portraying all the glory between a woman's legs. And this particular glory was about 3 m:s high, so with her voicing labor at the same time as encouraging all her 'little monster to leave the womb', things became very graphic. I was actually rather surprised they allowed the show at all ;)
However, it was really great singing and dancing throughout and I hope there will be more evenings like this to come!  

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