Monday, September 17, 2012

Liberty Dive Resort, Tulamben, Bali, Indonesia

And what an absolutely amazing place Liberty Dive Resort was! Jonas had found it online and it was just as perfect for diving as they described and beautiful as on the pictures. Have a quick look!

Entering Tulamben.

From one end of the pool with a massage hut to the left (it was about S$8, 40 SEK or 4 Euro for an hour..), the open dining room in the far (food was not good, but editable and the village was no more than a few hundred meters down the main road for better lunch and dinner options) and comfy sun beds  on the other side of the pool.

There was also possibilities for manicure and pedicure for about the same price as the massage and I of course had to get some Bali nails ;) This is the result of the pedi, with the diving facilities in the far background.

However, the quality was not exactly up to standards and it does become a matter of interpretation if this theme would classify as 'conservative with a dark red base and one white lotus flower on the right ring finger'. This is what all the nails looked like. On both hands and feet. However, it was very cheerful ;)

The view from our bungalow door step. The accommodation was perfect. Clean and simple but with all necessities. There was however a slight commotion at night time on our roof, but considering it was a closed hut, with no possibilities of snakes, lizards or monkeys dropping in unannounced, I didn't care. 

The deep water pool, for practicing diving, just outside the other more hotel style accommodation.

The first preparations for getting down under (Christian, Jonas and Toshi-san)!

I found great gear almost immediately, but am so getting my own stuff next.

A happy and excited couple!

Toshi and his camera; he really took amazing pictures throughout!

Our dive master prepping the Aqua Lungs with gas containers.

After each day of diving we got at least one massage from these power bundles. Never be fooled by South East Asian women's petite physique. They are strong!

And this is how relaxed you get; maybe the beer helped a bit too!

Another nice thing was the weather; coming from Singapore it was almost cool and especially after diving, I made good use of my cardigan outdoors for the first time in over a year.

Everything was on walking distance and at the very edge of Tulamben we found a little restaurant illiterately on the beach.

And who will not be happy with a view like this?

In general it was an absolutely fantastic long weekend and I can warmly recommend it; thank you Christian, Toshi and dear Jonas for making it one of my best diving experiences ever!

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